Wednesday 15 July 2009

Living in the past.

Sometimes, you just have to let go. Valuable piece of advice, and you would do well to heed it,stranger.Good things are not meant to last forever. We keep repeating that to ourselves and yet every time we utter this phrase, we find it even more difficult to believe it. Few people can conform with the fact that happiness only exists in fleeting moments through our lives.Some of them, strive to relive these moments, mostly through their memories. But is this a good thing to pursue?
I wouldn't know.I have been doing it for so long now, that i have forgotten how it feels to live in the present, enjoy the moments as they come and not linger in the past.And as you may have already guessed, i once again felt the need to share my feelings with you. Your...anonymity does wonders to my shyness, stranger.I can virtually tell you anything about me, and not really care about whether you care or not.Back to the point though.A good question you could ask me if you could actually talk to me right now, would be "why do you keep living in your past"? My answer would be "Because it is far better than my present life". When i was a kid, i always thought i had it all sorted out; be born, study, work, die. With a little bit of romance, if you are lucky.However, when i grew up and started thinking a bit, reality suddenly slapped me. Years went by, and i was watching people change around me.They were becoming...uhm...adults. They were planning their future,moving ahead towards a semi-unknown destination.But in all their wisdom and careful planning, they forgot to hold on to one thing.Their purity. Success in life is rarely achieved by just being yourself, you almost always have to imitate or fake a different behavioral pattern, such as a fake smile, fake self confidence, fake sense of humor, fake interests and the list goes on and on...
I found that...repulsive,to say the least. I could hear my chaotic nature complaining, urging me violently not to become like these people, or the people they were trying to imitate, for that matter. And just like that, my life was turned upside down.If life's vicious circle involved studying, working and dying, by sacrificing a piece of your character, then yes, i knew better than that. I would cross the finish line following a different route.A detour, if you wish. I would get to keep my character, get to be me, even if that involved living in the past.Sure, some people would be annoyed, such as my family and friends.But if they enjoyed being with Bill in the first place, why would they want him to change anyway?
Up to this day, i still live happily in the past and enjoy doing things my way.This non-conventional lifestyle has made me realize loads of things i would otherwise not have been given the chance to come to terms with. It has helped me act as an observer, rather than an active participant in this life. And i have to admit i have come to cherish this role. It is quite rare for a given person, to live, act or think like me.Maybe this is not necessarily a good thing, but frankly, stranger, i don't give a shit. I still am who i always have been, unaltered by your cruel society.I live by my choices, even if these choices dictate not to have to make any due to the lack of "personal development", as most people falsely like to call it.I learned the rules,and ignored them.I seriously and genuinely wish that every person could do the same but i know it is not plausible.
For now, i shall stop here stranger.And who knows, stick around this website and i might just stop calling you that. :)

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