Friday 30 January 2009

Working and the meaning of life.

Have you ever played an RTS stranger? I guessed not. An RTS is a genre of video games in which the typical thing to do in order to win the game is have some "workers" gather resources, then use these resources in order to build better buildings, fighters and finally overcome your opponent.If you come to think of it it bears many similarities's what we do.We begin life with 2 workers.The body and the brain.What most people do (or plan to do regardless of success), is use these 2 workers in order to gather resources (knowledge) and then use this knowledge to build buildings in turn, in order to overcome their opponents, with the word "opponents" being quite vague.Let me clarify that for you.In case you didn't know,our petty mind tends to make our short life a competition.A race if you will.This is not necessarilly bad per se, until the x-factor comes into play.It's the competitors that matter.And these competitors are our friends and neighbours.You see stranger, most people use their resources (knowledge which translates to money) to obtain better buildings and goods,just like an RTS.I think we can agree on that.Did i mention better? In order for the term "better" to exist there are two prerequisites."Good" and "Best".With "Good" being what our friends have/are.And with "Best" being what we soon opt to obtain.Do you catch my drift, stranger? It's a vicious circle.There is no "Best" and the sooner someone realises it, the more chances are he finds the true meaning of life.Someone could argue that you become better with good being no other than yourself but then again imagine you were alone in this world.Yup, you wake up one fine morning only to find out that earth has turned into a barren,desolate place and everyone except for you has dissappeared. Is there now any point in working and amassing money? You would suddenly turn to simpler things in life, like enjoying every single moment and trying to do what you were realy suppossed to do in the first place in this world, but were too busy working to look for it.You would not even begin to compare your material goods with anyone else's, for there would be noone to compare with.They would suddenly lose their value,you would suddenly feel empty.Do you see the relationship? You are only worth what they are worth.
Do not let working be the end, it should be the means to it.Completely avoid it if you can, i know i will.This will give you more time to think, and this will ultimately lead to a bettter you.You shall hence break the circle of "good-better-best", transforming it to a single line with you as a start, and the ideal you as a finish.Noone else involved.
Do not misunderstand me, i find working to be a necessary evil.Would we be able to survive without it? Probably not.Am i willing to give life without it a shot? Possibly.Have i found the meaning of life and what i am supposed to do with the time that has been granted to me? Definately.

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Vasilis Siouchleris

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