Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Why so glum?

You may wonder why i am so glum.Or you may wonder who i am.Or why you are reading this.So many things to wonder, you don't even know what to wonder about.Let me let you in a secret.Wondering about something is bad.It takes the magic off the given situation, emotion,person etc.So, stop wondering about what you will read next for a moment.
Did you stop wondering? Great.Now, sit comfortably, because this is going to be a long read, and most probably meaningless.In fact, i would not even advise you to read this.Just click that small "x" button at the top right corner of your screen,because after you have read this, you will regret the time you spent reading it.See? You have already spent about 2 minutes of your life reading this, and yet you learned nothing, nothing at all.
Since you are still here reading, i see there is no way i can get rid of you.You asked for it then, here are my thoughts; First of all, i am afraid.Don't wonder what i am afraid of, as you agreed to stop wondering a few lines before.I am afraid of this thing we are all afraid of, but are to afraid to admit it; Whether my life will be a fulfilling one, full of great experiences, or an empty life that will lead me nowhere.Because there comes a time when we are old and we have to reach a verdict.Was it worth it? And the answer just can't come out.
The truth is i don't know what to do with the time that was given to me to live.Mind you, it could be one day or another 70 years.But what difference does it make? My cause in life is lost, if there ever was one.Yes i do enjoy some fleeting moments of happiness.But is this enough? Sometimes i think that i keep thinking too much, sometimes i think that i can't think enough and sometimes i think there is no point in thinking.Ironic, eh? I don't have the will or the courage to settle with long term goals and achieve them as the years pass.And I don't even know why.You will now probably try to think of an answer to my problem just to prove to yourself that you can readily answer any question about life by an unknown guy from the Internet.You can't.You simply can't because you don't know me yet,stranger.And just because i doubt you want to get to know me( and also because i am sleepy), i must bid you here farewell.If you ever want to read something pointless again, do visit my blog again.I am sure i will have something for you.

The glum guy.

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Vasilis Siouchleris

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