Because I will not do it. Especially if YOU tell me to do it and it's good for me.Or if it involves other people as well.Or if most people do it.Or if it requires going somewhere other than my comfort zone, which is my room. The conclusion? "He's lazy and stubborn".
No. I am not.
I am actually pretty open minded. And when it comes to laziness, it could be far worse. A common misconception is that people tend to characterise someone as "lazy" when he refuses to do something they perceive as "the right thing to do". Well, it has never occurred to these people that "the right thing to do" is as vague a phrase as it can be. Our minds classify things that most people do as "normal behaviour".
I beg to differ.
I consider life as a big theatrical play, with the actors being prisoners, in a scenery created by themselves. The audience of course, is their offspring. And it would all be well and good, if you took out the word "prisoners", eh? Unfortunately, that is not the case.
The aforementioned behavioural code is what has turned people into prisoners. And I am using "turn into" because we are not born like that. We are born with a wonderful omnipotent mind, whose creativity knows no bounds. As we grow up though, we are restricted into adopting several stereotypical reactions and behavioural patterns which in turn only leads us to become prisoners of our ever shrinking fantasy.Before we know it, our fantasy is gone, and all that is left is what adults refer to as "logic".
On the other hand, someone could argue that logic is what constantly aids the advancement of civilization. Sure, but that's just because people are in no way, shape or form able to control their own greediness.
To cut a long story short, do I have the cure for this contagious disease called logic? Sure I do. But when I created this antidote called "inactivity", I accidentally drank the whole bottle and now don't have any more to give you. Mind you, there are side effects as well so I doubt you would want any in the first place.